Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Why Diets Fail

There are four reasons that I will write about regarding diet failures. They are as follows: 1 no coping skills to manage hunger and food cravings 2. self downing when relapse occurs, 3. low frustration tolerance 4. feeling depressed. These four will be discussed in more detail in this article. Keep in mind that there are probably other reasons for failure, however these four are some of the most common reasons that diets fail.

Coping skills for preparing and managing your diet are important. If you are not prepared and have no coping skills to manage the pitfalls of dieting, your diet is destined to fail. Some people have the skills and have thought about which diet will suit them. These peopole usually succeed. Others envy them for their success. They seem to make dieting look easy. What skills do they have?

The first skill is planning. They can plan a diet that fits into their lifestyle. If you go on a pineapple diet and don’t like pineapple, the diet will definitely not work. Second, the diet has to be able to managed in your life. If the diet requires you to take diet shakes into work and you have no way to prepare them, you will be frustrated. Also, finding a diet that will be enjoyable for you and be healthy for you over the long hull is important. Consulting your doctor and/or a nutritionist can be helpful. Once you have found the diet that will fit into your lifestyle, you must prepare and gather your supports. When you can diet or exercise with a buddy, you can keep each other motivated during the tough times ahead. Also managing frustrations and rewarding yourself for your successes is important.

While no person wants to relapse, all humans are fallible. No person is perfect and occasional pitfalls are to be expected. If you can dust yourself off and start again, you will have a greater chance of success than if you put yourself down for cheating. Self downing leads to guilt and guilt leads to failure. Guilt motivates no person. It is useless and just cases misery. Be gentle with yourself. Encourage yourself and treat yourself like your best friend. In this way, you will spur yourself on and succeed.

One client I work with always put herself down. She predicted failure for herself and felt that no one could help her. She felt discouraged all of the time due to her negative self talk. This self talk lead her to fail on her diet. When she learned to dispute her irrational beliefs, she was able to succeed because she could encourage herself.

Low frustration tolerance is the belief that the diet is too big for you. It is too difficult and you should not have to do something so difficult. You will not be able stand being hungry. This belief causes many people to fail at anything that they try. Learning to dispute low frustration tolerance beliefs and replace them with high frustration tolerance beliefs will help you to build success in any area of your life. Healthy frustration tolerance beliefs help you to manage life on its terms and to succeed because you can persist even if the task is difficult.

Any time that you restrict food, depression and weakness can occur. If you have encouragement, can get plenty of sunshine and socialize, you can keep yourself in a good mood. When you are happy, most things that you do become easier. This is because of the pleasure endorphins that flow through your body. They make you feel good. You can learn to change your thinking to helpl yyourself to feel happier.

Hypnosis cds can help you to master all of these areas and succeed at your diet. You can build a plan for success and an attitude to go with it using hypnosis. Also hypnosis can speed up your metabolism, help you to manage cravings, and help you to easily make healthy choices for yourself. When you see yourself as a success, you feel less frustrated and depressed. You can succeed.

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